Posts Tagged: intentional living

Balanced Living

January 10, 2014

“Everything is energy & that’s all there is to it. Match the frequency of the reality you want & you cannot help but get that reality. It can be no other way. This is not philosophy. This is physics.”
-Albert Einstein

Don’t try to leap over yourself. Just accept what is and be with it, really be with it, because when you do that you are being in the moment, in the truth. You are being present as you live your life. In the end, is there anything else?
~Wise Woman (Sue Monk Kidd)

 Image credit:  uni-frankfurt.du

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These are a couple of quotes I’ve collected over the years. (Quote collecting is an accidental hobby of mine.) These speak to the challenge of being happy in the here and now while also knowing we are always growing and creating newness in our lives and ourselves.
Einstein’s quote was particularly fascinating to me when I found it. Here is a scientist speaking to the ability to manifest our heart’s desires. This goes beyond metaphysical woo-woo and grounds it firmly in the truth science gives us. It reminds me that I am a powerful creator in my ability to bring good things into my life.

The quote from Sue Monk Kidd reminds me to be happy in the here and now. Life is not about a constant struggle to change ourselves and manifest more. Change can come slowly. Healing and growth come slowly. So best to be happy in the here and now, not missing a moment, until whatever is coming arrives.

Balancing intentional, creative living and true peace of the heart is a challenging adventure for me. Loving my ability to grow, push limits, and evolve can become so intoxicating that I get a little obsessed at times. It is good to remember that I can slow down, open to grace, and be happy just as I am in the life that I have in this moment. As we go into the New Year, with all our hopes and dreams for what it will bring, these words are important reminders of the balanced place we can live from everyday.