January 3, 2014
2013 wrapped up nicely for me despite a year-end funk that really threatened to pull me down. Part of what helped turn things around was the time I spent reflecting on 2013 and looking ahead to the New Year. The miracles and blessings of 2013 were a wonderful reminder to me that all is well and encouraged me to look ahead to 2014 with hope and optimism.
Quite fortuitously, an inspiring email landed in my ‘in box’ right around this time. It was from Christine Hassler, a life coach, speaker and author, whose emails I’ve enjoyed throughout the year. Her message was not to make resolutions since that implies we need to do “more, better, different”. Since a self-improvement tactic is the exact opposite of how I am choosing to live the coming year (Peace and Grace in the New Year), I read on. Instead of resolving to change ourself, she encourages setting intentions and creative possibilities that come from our heart. This girl was talking to me!
Following her guidance and suggestions, I was surprised at some of the things I felt inside. There were dreams that I had not considered in a long time and remembering them brought them to the surface of my awareness fresh for my indulgence. It is easy to imagine that some or all have the potential to come true. Just knowing the dreams of my heart is the first step to making them a reality.
The New Year is already underway and it is not too late to take advantage of this energy to set intentions for 2014. New Year’s did arrive on a new moon meaning the energy for new beginnings is still available for the dreams of your heart. If this approach speaks to you, I highly encourage you to check out Christine’s blog post. Her words and wisdom helped me to fulfill the ideas I had for how I wanted to bring in the New Year. And it banished the funky mood that threatened to bring me down. A win-win to start my year with a positive bang!
December 27, 2013
“Stress is an acceptable form of mental illness in our society.”
~Richard Carlson
Another year come and gone. It seems time is gaining momentum. At a time in my life when I want to slow down and savor life more, it dashes off down the road with me chasing after it. There is so much I want to do with my life and yet the faster I go, the less I feel and truly experience.
Looking ahead to 2014, I’ve decided to do less so I can enjoy more. While there are goals of accomplishment I am setting this year, I am including some that appear to be the opposite of accomplishment. One is to make time to pause, reflect, and connect to life more. This will create space for more Grace in my life. (No…not a person named Grace…silly. Grace, meaning a divinely given blessing. ) If I’m busy being super cowgirl, handling everything and planning every minute, day, week of my life, where’s the room for Divine intervention and blessing?
My ‘to-do’ list is as long as anyone’s. It is easy to get caught up in rushing through it imagining that peace lies just beyond the completion of the list. Truth is, my list is like laundry…it will never be done. Putting off slowing down and experiencing my life until …… is an illusion. Balance between ‘doing’ and ‘being’ is the key.
Image credit: blue67 / 123RF Stock Photo
Our society has normalized stress and overly full days. It seems most of us tend to accept that this is life and I do not agree. I choose to balance my ability to do with a slower energy that allows me to receive. Receive what, you may be wondering? Receive wisdom from my intuition, help from others, and inner restoration that comes from enjoying the life I’ve created. Taking time to pause and appreciate what has been accomplished, and resting in the moment is a rich blessing.
When I do not slow down and enjoy the life I’ve created, I experience stress. Clearly, this is something I have control over. Choosing a slower pace is a change that will bring more peace and freedom to my life. Christine Arylo’s blog offers a wonderful guide for reducing stress, which I highly recommend. It was her use of Richard Carlson’s quote (author of Don’t Sweat the Small Stuff) that brought it to my attention.
Arylo’s steps are helping me to fulfill this commitment to myself for the New Year. The steps she outlines assure I bring this energy of peace and presence into my life. The habit of go, go, go and do, do, do is often firmly entrenched in my days. And as I’ve mentioned, it as affirmed by the society in which I live. This does not make it a good idea. My heart holds the truth. I am listening to my heart. I am changing my pace. Will you join me?
How will you unplug from the machine and create a life of peace and freedom?
What other changes will you seek to make in the New Year?
What dreams do you hold in your heart that you will make real?
I hope to hear from you and wish you a reflective and uplifting New Year!